Receiving offers
Available offers depend on the order volume within your zone and vary from day to day. Offers are generally available between 6:00 AM and 11:00 PM. Some days and times tend to be busier than others; many offers are usually available on Sunday afternoons.
Offers are not guaranteed and change daily based on demand in your area. You are welcome to decide what offers you would like to accept and are not required to accept a minimum number of orders. To receive offers, you’ll need Spark Now turned on in your Spark Driver™ app.
You can find the tools and information you need to troubleshoot any issues in the app. Spark Driver support cannot address offer-related concerns or resolve any connectivity and notification issues. Try this checklist of troubleshooting tips if needed:
- Are you using the latest version of the app?
- Are your notification and location settings enabled?
- Have you tried restarting your device? If you’re experiencing issues receiving offers, see article Not receiving offers.
If you continue to experience notification issues, or think there may be a technical problem, you may use the Report Issue feature. Using this feature, you can share:
- Make and model of your phone
- Current version of the app installed on your phone (available at bottom of the Settings screen)
- How often or how long has this been happening
- Screenshots containing any error messages
- Your location.